
Blog Post

How to Optimize your Instagram Ads in a Better Way

April 16, 2022 blog
How to Optimize your Instagram Ads in a Better Way

If you are running Instagram ads for your business or startup, I will be sharing my experience with Marketing Expert Mentoring Program in this article, which I have experienced with two different Experts in the last 6 months.

This program provides a mentoring from real Meta workers and it is free for some users to optimize their ads in a better way.
To briefly talk about this formation referred as the “Marketing Plan”; You will have regular meetings every week with the representative assigned to you for an average of 2 weeks to 5 weeks. In these meetings, you first meet to get to know your business better, and then you make plans on how to use your business account most effectively so that you can get maximum efficiency from advertisements.

If you have Internet Advertising Experience;

If you have worked with Facebook PIXEL before, especially in the field of e-commerce, Instagram ads could seem quite simpler for you. However, it should be noted that if you work too much in PIXEL but nothing else, you may not be able to think as simply as Instagram would like you to. At this point, the representative appointed by Marketing Plan can help with many issues.

If you do not have Internet Advertising Experience;

If you do not have any experience using any online ads before, it would be great opportunity for you to move forward with this plan, which has no expense.

It is Free. Why?

There are many platforms where you can advertise on the Internet. While Facebook and Google were leading them, TikTok got involved and increased the competition and nobody was waiting for it.

It is free and the reason is really simple. If you get more efficiency from the advertisements you run on Instagram compared to other, you would keep advertising on Instagram but not other platforms. For this reason, Meta company provides such an opportunity on behalf of Instagram and Facebook so that you can get maximum efficiency.

Pros :

  • Quick Resolution of Problems:
    Since you are in contact with the direct center of Instagram, you can quickly reach a solution for any of your problem. When my account waiting for a approval since I switched to a new facebook ad account on my business profile, the consultant gave me priority and saved me time by adding note to my approval about urgency. This is just an example, there might be multiple problems similar to that.
  • New Perspective and Ideas:
    Since perspectives and new ideas are important in this type of work, the perspective of an experienced person on your venture and advertisements can often be beneficial.
  • Advertising Coupon:
    They offer coupon codes to some startups. ex. Spend 10 dollars and earn 30 dollars.
  • Interest:
    After the interviews, you are informed by an e-mail containing the summary of the meeting. Like the emails below. This is good for you to note and move forward.
    (Conversations are in Turkish)


  • Repetition:
    If advertisements are not very important for your venture, your conversations may fall into repetition after some point.
  • Mentors are Not Perfect :
    Of course, not all consultants have the same knowledge and experience. While someone can understand your business better, another consultant may not be able to provide effective guidance as the first. Although it is not exactly a minus but I think that not all consultants can get a high level of efficiency.

To summarize;

New ideas and different perspectives can be important in terms of increasing efficiency. Since this service is provided completely free of charge, the account holder will lose 1–2 hours at most. I may be misinterpreting some points because I haven’t come across much information about this service on the internet, but as a person who has used the service twice, I have seen good benefits instead of any loss. If you think of a long-term advertising campaign, I recommend you to try it by checking your suitability from this link.

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